backtrack articles an i will to write again with other language.
ensuing a glance about backtrack liniux
Backtrack is one of distro linux born of slackware which form merger from whax and auditor scurity collections.
Backtrack made by mati maharoni that form consultan scurrity from and agus N K. so form collaboration comunity. Backtrack self form merger from whax sform one of linux distro that used to scurity test that basic from whax self from knoppix. when Knoppix until verion 3.0 so namaed whit whax. whax can use to doing scurity test from a variety of networking any where.
Max Moser form auditor scurrity collection that special whit self do scurrity penetration on linux.
composite from this auditor and whax self produce 300 tool that used to testing networking scurrity. scurity
auditor scurrity can find on knoppix too.
fiture Backtrack
on between any tool that find on backtrack:
- Metasploit integration
- RFMON wireless drivers
- Kismet
- AutoScan-Network – AutoScan-Network is a network discovering and managing application
- Nmap
- Ettercap
- Wireshark (formerly known as Ethereal)
- Enumeration
- Exploit Archives
- Scanners
- Password Attacks
- Fuzzers
- Spoofing
- Sniffers
- Tunneling
- Wireless Tools
- Bluetooth
- Cisco Tools
- Database Tools
- Forensic Tools
- BackTrack Services
- Reversing
- Misc
- Aircrack-ng dan kawan kawan dll.
But on the side tool backtrack networking to include mozilla, pidgin,k3b,xmms etc.
Backtrack rillis
- 26-5-2006 first time backtrack rilis form version non beta 1.0
- 13-10-2006 backtrack version 2 beta first time to public rillis
- 19-11-2006 backtrack version 2 beta second to public rilis
- 06--3-2007 backtrack version 2 final rilis
- 17-12-2007 backtrack version 3 beta first rilis
- 19-03-2008 backtrack version 3 final rilis
- 11-01-2010 backtrack version 4 final rilis
- 10-05-2011 bactrack version 5 final rilis
Backtrack 5 was rilised so we discus how to linux backtrack 5 installation only.
backtrack 5 based on Ubuntu Lucid (10,04LTS) that support 32 bit and 64 bit architectur. support KDE 4, Gnome and Fluxbox. White use kernel 2.6.38-rc5
Ok this step by step linux backtrack 5 installation.
1.Burn ISO Backtack 5 into DVD, restart the Computer and then booting
2. White until show image like follow and then choice "Backtrack Text- default boot text mode.
3.White until show like the following picture. And then type startx to comin the mode GUI (Desctop)
4. And then click icon install Backtrack on Desctop.
5. Choice language that you want.
6. Choice the location where you live, my suggestion indonesia and then click forward.
7. click forward only
8. If you want use all hardisk choice "erase and use entri hardisk".
but if you want make partition with manual way or to make a dual boot (Dual OS) choice "Spescify Partision manual (advance)" so will show page like following.
swap partision Swap can to make 2048 mb (recomended) or 1 giga can too.
9. white until process installation finished. so are command to restart(reboot).
Your Backtrack was installed so what else,, I have a tips was install backtrack doing.
1. Try install application WVDIAL / Gnome-app for internet connection using modem. the way.
2. Change the default password.
for reset the default password please type passwd on the terminal and then input the new password.
3. active the visual effect please open setting>>system setting>>desktop effect>>all effect
that is default that provide from tea backtrack self, minimallis compiz for KDE please experience your self
and then other was provided also on KDE version to change icon, themes, windows border & other we not need (manually Downloads way) on the because was provided plugins that connect direct the site, only click get new themes only. and for gnome we need install compiz with manual ways.
apt-get install compiz compizconfig-setting-manager compiz-kde compiz-fusion-plugins-,main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra.
4. install Synaptic (for easily search packets / application that we need)
apt-install synaptic
5. Active the Applet Sound (GNOME)
firs open preference>>startup aplications and then add
give the name upto you on the tab command input this comman
and then save.
6. fix-splass
to make display loading time booting mor beautifull. default is black-white.
while fix-plash