networking, namely node, link and station. category of networking topology:
Topology Bus
Topology Bus resort a backbone cabel and all host conectedon a large direct on mentioned cable
- easy installation processing
- Node addition can be doing with easy.
- Good working on the network small scall.
- Form old technology that have been out of date.
- If cabel broken of or broken then networking total paralyzed.
- Troblesooting processing very hard.
- Managenent on the network big scale can't be doing.
Topology Ring
Topology Ring connected host with other host form close of ring or loop.
- Easy installation processing.
- Installation cheap cost.
- Node addition can be doing with easy.
- Good working on the networking small scale.
- Form old technologi that have been out of date.
- If cable broken off or broken so network total paralyed.
- Troublesooting prosses very hard.
- Managemen on the networking big scale can't be doing.
Topology Star
Topologi Star connected all computer on central or cocentrator form equitment hub or switch.
- Easy installation procesing.
- Installation cheap cost.
- Node addition can be doing with easy.
- If one of cabel broken off or broken so network can be fungtion.
- Management networking center and facilitate for big scale network.
- Installation enough expensive cost.
- If hub or switch broken so networking will totl paraliyzed.
Topology Mesh or Fully-Mesh
Topology Mesh connected every computer on a point to point scale. That is all computer will one another connection one by one so not find are link that broken off. this topology usually to make critical location.As nuclear installation.
- Very fault tolerant. because many link with every node.
- Installation enough expensive cost.
- Hard Installation processing.
- Hard managemen processing.
- Hard troublesooting processing.
On the topology topology fully mesh, total connection track that can be make up by N total computer will be following by formula :
J = (N*(N-1))/2
Where : N explaincomputer addition
J explain link addition.
Topology mesh is type kind topology that make by internet. Every link connected a router with other router.