Thursday, January 24, 2013

Solution msfconsole & msfupdate are not running after updating to 4.5.0 metasploit bt0

BackTrack 5 R3 For users who experience problems msfconsole and msfupdate not run properly after doing apt-get update and apt-get upgrade, the following explanation of the causes and solutions can be used.

One cause of the above problems is a directory "msf3" does not exist in the directory / opt / metasploit. Some use the solution by doing copy paste of BackTrack msf3 directory that has not been updated / upgraded to the BackTrack used. But in my opinion, the way they allow us to use the same version metasploit metasploit on BackTrack with that has not been updated / upgraded. So the solution that I currently use and up to date is to use the command "git clone".

Here are the steps:

  1. cd /opt/metasploit
  2. git clone msf3

Solution msfconsole & msfupdate are not running after updating to 4.5.0 metasploit bt0

Once completed, please restart msfconsole:

Solution msfconsole & msfupdate are not running after updating to 4.5.0 metasploit bt0

Solution msfconsole & msfupdate are not running after updating to 4.5.0 metasploit bt0
Hopefully useful.

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