Sunday, March 18, 2012

interation in PHP

Hello guest, how are you to day ok this encounter i will try posting about interation in PHP,
good listening....

Ok usually in write blog kode we often write kode that same in repeatedly, interation be used to overcome problem that in PHP there is some type interation that can use taht is :

- while is interation bloc code white conditions true.
- do....while is doing interation just once.
- for is interesting vloc code white s contain number.
- foreach is interation in each array element.

for example and you can try it in your computer i hope so, if you want to master try of the small.


interation while

$i = 2 ;
while($i<=5) { echo "the number is . $i . " $i++; } = Ok, i have tried above PHP program and success but my computer jammed becouse that program not stoped probably because i put value $i++ that is value +1 and program always run. Interation Do......While ==php $i = 1 ; do { $++; echo " this number is .$i. "; } while ($i<=5); = Oops.. i think my computer will jammed again in fact no jammed again why please help me to explain that because you my friends sirry i'm just newbie and i'm not master i hop you smarter than me Ok, i hope so. Ok we go again... interation For ==php for ($i=1; $i<=5; $i++) { echo " this number is .$i. "; } = i like this i'm tried and there is bit error and i can fine where the fault lessin fact i note put value on variable $i=.blank. previous and i'm tried put $i=1; in turn out success. Ok we go again trying to programming. interation foreach. ==php $x=array("one","two","three"); foreach($x as $value) { echo $value." "; } = in fact i will swo you comparison between using foreach and for because i not success trying that i'm sorry about that. Ok thank's to visite my blog and i will say thank you very much and i'm very sorry may english language not good i'm still learning to date. thanks guest........ conngratulations to master for you to rule the world and live better be programer PHP see you next time....... information : ==PHP you can change white tag ""

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