Monday, October 3, 2011

Aplication on Computer Network

Arcitek Network And Layer OSI
On computer network,osi(open systems interconnection) that may to interconnection doing, OSI creative force by ISO on the  year 1984 for arcitect comunication model intercompter. OSI stack in layer form and a layer have self fungtion that have be  connected until one to other one. aim from make a layer is for decrease difficulty in comunication. layer association and  this protocol called for network arciterct. 

A layer having an axcel on layer that are in under and send service on layer in on. protocol on layer from a device will be to  comucation with protocol on the layer that same on other device. 
Phisical Payer
            this layer duty for send data to aim bit by bit. comunication media can  pass through cabel or air. that happen   focus on this layer is processing signal that doing with logic reprecetation, speed transfer, etc.
            are three terminolog in thik to transmition data,  that is :
                        - simplex*
                        - half duplex*
                        - full duplex*
            are two kind signal that can be transmission, thas is:
                        -analog signal*
                        -digital  signal*

component network that do on this layer            is repeater, multiplexer, hub,osiloscop,amplifier. this protocol that use on  t his layer be based on IEEE 802.
 be baset  explaination about it, physical layer have some fungtion, that is:
-  encoding / decoding signal
-  biginning / discharge trigger (for sincronitation)
-  transmotion / receive bit

on time transmition be doing  are three kind interference that may happen, that is :
- attenuation : become weak signal energy in effort reach aim.
- Delay distortion : because are data transmition  that be different speed
- noise : into energy that not be hope on transmission phase besides that origin from transmiter.

Data Link Layer
Data link layer be devide become two sub layer : MAC* and LLC*. both of them be legal separation but running the fungtion  that bedifferent  

Layer Network
network lyer for take package from source and sending to aim. on this layer segment data to be change becomepackage  and may  be have exceed some hop before reach aim. fungtion network layer be defferent with layer data link, taht have aim more simple  that is only to move data from tip cable that one to other.

Transport Layer
connected with isu mainsty quallity, channel reins, and false corected sevice. on this layer a data that will sending to  broken become parts that more little and give header add for known. form from cuts that give header this give name datagram.

Layer On TCP/IP
concept TCP/IP infact use concept that same  with OSI. TCP/IP brief 7 layer PSI become 4 layer. this time TCP/IP concept  more popular, this TCP/IP model be creative force , but want to be design network that holdout in anywhere condition.  inclouded, nucleur war.  

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