A. Copper Media
Copper media form all media transmissin data that made from copper material. people usually call with cabel name. Data that sending through cable, form is electricity signals (tension or current) digital.
Type of cable that making for data transmission on network:
1. Coaxial Cable
This cable often make for antenna TV cable. Also called to BNC cable (byonet Naur Connector). This cable form cable that most
many make to LAN, but have protected to noise that more tall, cheap, and capable/can send data with standa speed.
4 type coaxial cable, namely :
Thinnet or RG-58 (10Base2)
Thicnet atau RG-8 (10Base5)
there is 3 connector pada kabel Coaxial, namely T connector (socket) and BNC connector. Profit making the coaxial cable is more cheaper from to fiber optic cable and distance reach enaugh far from type cable UTP/STP that make repeater as stronger/amplifier. shortage hard on time installation, good connector installation although cable. for this time coaxial cable have been not recomendation again for network installation.
2. Twisted-Pair cable
Twisted Pair be composed from 2 type :
STP cable (Shielded Twisted Pair)
Profit making STP cable is more stand to wave interferece electromagnetic good from within or from outside. shortage is expensive cost, hard in time installation (especially problem grounding), and distanse reach/distance range only 100m.
there is some category for Twisted Pair cable, namely :
- category One (Cat-1).
usually make a heavy conductor AWG standar many/as much as 22 or 24 pin with impedance range that width. making on the telephone connection and not for recomendation for data transmition.
- category Two (Cat-2).
Impedance range that width, often make on the PBX system and alarm system. Data transmission ISDN making two category cable, with maximum bandwidth 1 MBps.
- category tree (Cat-3).
Often called voice grade cable, use heavy conductor some 22 or 24 pin with impendence 100 ampere and fungtion until 16 MBps. Can make network 10BaseT and token Ring with bandwidth 4 Mbps.
- four category (Cat-4).
like category three with banwidth 20 MBps, to applied on the TOken Ring network with bandwidth 16 Mbps.
- Category five (Cat-5).
Is good Twister pair cable (grade data) with bandwidth 100 Mbps and maxsimum transmission reach 100m.
B.Optical Media
there is three fiber optic cable that usually use namely singgle mode, multy mode and plastic optical fiber that fungtion for light code from end cable to end cable other, from transmitter* receiver, that change electric pulse to light and otherwise, in form light-emitting diode or laser. Fiber cable optic singgle mode form singgle fiber glass with diameter 8.3 to 10 cilometres, have one type transmission that can receive data big capasity with hig speed to far distance, and smaller. Ability cable singgle mode type in deliver transmission is 50 times faster from multimode cable type, but have core that smaller so that can to lost every distortion and pulse light that overlapping.
Fiber optic multimode cable made from fiberglass with diametres bigger, namely 50 to with 100 micrometre that can deliver big capasity data be not acurate. being plastic optical fiber is cable new plastic basis that guarantee perform level that same with fiber glass in sort distance with much cheaper cost. this time, fiber optic have been use for standart cable data in biding physical layer telecomunication or network, like device cable TV, also protecting system that used Closed Circuit television (CCTV), and etc. materia basic from optical media is glass with that very small size (micron scale). Usually known with fiber optic name (fiber optic). Data that passed on this medium in light form (laser or infrared).
One cfiber optic cable consist of two fiber, one fungtion for Transmit (Tx) and only/one again for Recive(Rx) so that comunication with fiber optic can be doing two way in together (fullduplex).
C.Wireless Network
this time been many to used network without cable (wireless networking), data transmission use infra red ray or micro wove for delivery a data. although practice heard, problem yet that to deal here is a problem in distance , bandwidth, and cost cheap. yet such for need LAN in the building, this time been expending wireless technology for active hub (wireless acces point) and wireless LAN card (change NIC), until can minus broken in cable transmission data on computer network. wireless acses point can connectet to (up link) whit activehub from network that be on.
transmission media wireless use radio phase hight frequence. usually phase electronic with frequence 2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz.digital data's that sending to way this wireless will to modulation to in this electronic phase.